25 JAN 2015 by ideonexus

 Mormonism as Transhumanism

Most Mormon Transhumanists consider our religion to be remarkably compatible with transhumanism. We consider Mormonism to be a religious transhumanism. Eternal progression is a central doctrine of Mormonism. Basically, the idea is that we have all existed in some form or another into the indefinite past; that we have been and are progressing toward becoming like God in a creative and benevolent capacity; and that we should each help others do the same into the indefinite future. Mormon script...
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02 JUN 2011 by ideonexus

 Stephen and Lucy Hawking's Scientist's Oath

I swear to use my scientific knowledge for the good of Humanity. I promise never to harm any person in search of enlightenment. I shall be courageous and careful in my quest for greater knowledge about the mysteries that surround us. I shall not use scientific knowledge for my own personal gain or give it to those who seek to destroy the wonderful planet on which we live. If I break my oath, may the beauty and wonder of the Universe forever remain hidden from me.
Folksonomies: ethics scientist oath oath
Folksonomies: ethics scientist oath oath
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Focuses on greater good, doing no harm, enlightenment, and environmentalism.